Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When to Get Involved ?

I have never been in any bodies business unless they put me in it or some one been hart really bad but I don’t think its right to get involved in some ones business unless they ask for your say so in the situation I think should people mind their own business when the they no that the situation is going to get worse then it all ready is or its going to hart them do to what they said or plan out just trying to help them and these or my thoughts about being in some one else business.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gilded Age

Gilded Age

Ghost dance
Light bulb
Death of Native Americans
Ellis Island
Dust bowl

American Federation of Labor

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Is it all about money

Are peoples actions driven by money I think so because some people think since they have money that there better then the next person that doesn’t have any does money lead to happiness yes and no because without money you wonted be able to buy the things that you needed and more and some people care less about money and that’s what brings there family closer together and makes them happy so there for that’s why I think it goes both ways I think just because you got money it doest make you any better then anyone else because god made us all equal no matter the color of your skin were you work and how much money you got I think that the wealthy works for there money to get them to the place that they wont to be and also I think that’s is there decision weather or not to give up there money because they made it but I think that god would like them to help the ones that don’t have a lot of money and these are my opinions about what I think about money.